MU Grants Community,
After a bit of a summer break, the OSPA Certificate Series is back and courses through October are now open for registration! Continuing the Post-Award Track Training, the sessions below are now available, including a special session on Salary Cap, EVR, and Effort Tracking. View full details and register here:
Seats remain for…
Effort Verification Reporting (EVR), Cost Transfers, and Payroll Correcting Entries (PCE)
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
8:30 - 10:30 AM
Memorial Union, N222-223 JB
Utilizing case studies, review EVR, PCE, and cost transfer examples and their application to sponsored projects. Discuss compliance requirements for each of these activities. Identify common issues and risks of noncompliance.
Subawards and Consulting Agreements
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
8:30 - 10:30 AM
Memorial Union, Stotler Lounge I
Utilizing case studies, analyze the difference between subrecipients/subawards and vendors/consulting agreements as they pertain to sponsored projects. Discuss the subaward process throughout in the award cycle, from the documentation needed before a subrecipient can be named in a proposal submitted to a sponsor to closing out the subaward. Discuss the consulting agreement process throughout the award cycle, from issuing the consulting agreement to receipt of deliverables and payment.
Now open…
NEW: Salary Cap, EVR, and Effort Tracking (Advanced)
Thursday, August 25, 2016
8:30 - 10:30 AM
Memorial Union, Stotler Lounge I
Provide an overview of salary and effort issues above and beyond the general EVR, Cost Transfers, and PCEs session, discussing concepts such as the DHHS salary cap implications and monitoring, effort commitments, and tracking effort. Discuss roles and responsibilities of OSPA, DRA, and PI. Note: This advanced course is not required to complete the Post-Award Track and earn your certificate of completion.
Federal Contracts
Thursday, September 8, 2016
8:30 - 10:30 AM
Memorial Union, Stotler Lounge I Differentiate between a grant and a federal contract. Associate varying compliance requirements with pre- and post-award processes. Define and examine Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clauses and other requirements specific to federal contracts. Note: This is an Intermediate/Advanced-level course spanning both pre- and post-award.
Cost Sharing
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
8:30 - 10:30 AM
Memorial Union, Stotler Lounge I Define cost sharing and the different types, including mandatory, voluntary committed, and voluntary uncommitted. Understand compliance requirements related to cost sharing. Discuss third-party and unallowable cost share and the related impacts on facilities and administrative (F&A) cost recovery. Utilizing case studies, identify different types of cost sharing, discuss proper documentation and reporting, and examine issues of noncompliance.
Closeout of Award and Disposition of Equipment
Thursday, October 13, 2016
8:30 - 10:30 AM
MU Student Center 2206 AB&C
Identify the processes and compliance requirements for closing an award. Discuss special consideration including records retention, disposition of equipment, intellectual property and invention disclosure, and fixed price transfers. Utilizing case studies, explore examples and discuss impacts of noncompliance.