May 30, 2018

Grant Fact Sheet Updates: Tuition and Fees, Medical Insurance Subsidy, and More

A new Grant Fact Sheet dated 5/29/18 has been placed on the OSPA website here.

The following changes have been made: 

The Fringe Benefits Rates section was updated to include some historical rates to serve as a resource for post-award fiscal administrators:

The Tuition and Fees section has been updated with rates effective beginning Fall 2018: 

And, the Medical Insurance Subsidy has been updated:

As always, please feel free to let us know if you have questions or need additional assistance.

May 24, 2018

May 2018 Grant Connections Meeting Notes

Linked below are the notes and slides from the May Grant Connections Meeting. We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting on June 27, 2018. 

Meeting Notes
Bayh-Dole Updates Presentation

May 18, 2018

Changes to the PSRS RE: Bayh-Dole Regulations

Effective 5/14/18, the Bayh-Dole Act has been amended to include new regulations. Bayh-Dole is legislation dealing with inventions and related patents arising from federal government-funded research. One change that impacts the University system-wide is the requirement to have a written agreement in which employees assign rights in inventions made under the federal award to the University. The written agreement should be executed prior to working on a federal project. This requirement protects inventors, the University, and the federal government. As such, we have worked with System to modify the ePSRS Electronic Approval page and PDF to now read as follows:

The above language was crafted based on guidance from our Office of General Counsel and would put us into compliance for those employees who are required to sign the PSRS. We are working with the other UM campuses and System to enact new procedures to ensure complete compliance moving forward, and will communicate those changes as they are finalized.

Please note there are no new substantive obligations being incurred by having the PI and key personnel sign off on this form, as CRR 100.020 already requires employees to assign inventions made within the general scope of their duties to the University. The change is a confirmatory assignment of inventions employees are already contractually obligated to assign to the University, and this practice protects employees from inadvertently giving away their rights to inventions.

May 1, 2018

April 2018 Grant Connections Notes

Notes from the Grant Connections Meeting on April 25, 2018, can be found here. You can also access the Conflict of Interest presentation as well as the handout.

We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting at 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, May 23, in the Bond Life Sciences Center, Room 171.