April 13, 2016

OSPA Updates: Grant Fact Sheet updated 4/8/16 | NIH FORMS-C and D | Upcoming grants training

A new version of the Grant Fact Sheet, dated 04/08/2016, is available on the OSPA website. Please access the current version here, which includes the following update:

Institutional Minimum Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant Stipends (p. 4)
The Office of Graduate Studies confirmed tentative AY 2016-2017 rates as final. Per Interim Chancellor Foley’s announcement in his State of the University of Missouri address in January, rates reflect a 25% increase in minimum stipend levels.

National Institutes of Health

REMINDER: NIH and AHRQ Grant Application Changes: FORMS-C for due dates on or before May 24, 2016; FORMS-D for due dates on or after May 25, 2016 (NOT-OD-16-081)

Not sure how to tell the difference between FORMS-C and D? NIH offers a resource: Do I Have the Right Electronic Forms for My Application?

Also, per NOT-OD-16-084, NIH has updated its application guide and supplemental instructions for use with grant application due dates on or after May 25, 2016.

OSPA Certificate Series for Specialized Grants Training: Upcoming sessions

OSPA Certificate Series: PeopleSoft Grants Module Financial Reports and Queries
Thursday, April 14, 2016
8:30 - 10:30 AM
Memorial Union, Stotler Lounge 1

Experience training for generating and running financial reports and queries for sponsored activities. Discuss what to look for when reviewing these reports and what to bring to the attention of the Principal Investigator (PI). Differentiate between various reports and options for levels of review (e.g., award versus project).

OSPA Certificate Series: Allowability
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
8:30 - 10:30 AM
Memorial Union, N206-WD

Review cost principles per the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance). Utilizing case studies, differentiate between allowable and unallowable costs and identify instances of noncompliance. Discuss when sponsor guidelines may be more or less restrictive and when an unlike circumstance may be justified.

OSPA Certificate Series: Management of Award
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
8:30 - 10:30 AM
MU Student Center 2205 A&B

Utilizing case studies, explore concepts related to management of an award. Review the Budget Variance #8 and Income Statement #9 reports and how to use them to monitor sponsored activities. Describe what information to look for and the questions a Principal Investigator (PI) should ask as part of the expenditure review process. Discuss management and monitoring of various sponsor requirements effective upon acceptance of an award, including but not limited to financial conflict of interest, responsible conduct of research, and public access obligations. Discuss management and monitoring of certain other terms and conditions, including but not limited to those concerning publication rights and ownership of equipment. Understand the difference between cost reimbursable and fixed price agreements. Understand processes for budget changes, interim reporting, invoicing, no cost time extensions, and sponsor notifications.

Register on the OSPA Training webpage: https://apps.orcs.missouri.edu/ospa_training/login